a message in English (TAMSIN, I hope it will be understandable, my English wording is approximative;-) )
I called it :THE FRENCHJESTER'S DODEKHATEON ( sorry no greeks and no sports inside ;-))
1st labour : READING !
searching inspiration, a new theme or any new excuse to paint something
2nd labour: CHOOSING
OK, for exemple, painting many commander bases for my medieval armies,
could have been totally anything else;
3rd labour: BUYING the figures
you're free to buy the figures you want , for my exemple I bought "Essex miniatures" command packs and some other mounted figures in their 15mm range;
4th labour: PREPPING
take care of your fingers while doing it, you 'll need them later for painting;-)
5th labour: CONVERTING
I replace the lead spears with vinyl outdoor broom piles

6th labour: PRIMING
I do it in two thin layers
one black with a car matt black spray primer then a second layer with a white Games workshop spray primer, I prefer! but two thin layers of white are OK;
shake the inks, put it in the lid with few water, mix it and try it on the cardboard around the figure,
when you like the transparency, put it on the figure, take care of the recesses, some white dots could appear after in, you will correct that with a dark leather brown when the inks dried;
some exemples below
you can ink the hosreman in one color and the horse in another one if you want, just need more care and patience;
you can speed up the drying process with a hairdryer, just do that where nothing care a projection of small dots of ink;
once dried it will have a matt finish like that:
Hope you liked it, then more to follow..........