dimanche 22 juillet 2012

Who am I ?


to reply to a question , that I had in my mail box this afternoon;
I saw something alike on the web some time ago and it inspired me to do mine;

 pour répondre à une question qu'on m'a posé par mail;
 j'ai vu quelque chose comme ça sur le web il y a quelque temps et ça m'a inspiré pour faire le mien;

jeudi 19 juillet 2012

The impressionism in Wargame painting

 ou l'impressionnisme dans le jeu d'Histoire

-a step by step to try to see if it can work on figures
-un pas à pas  pour voir si ça fonctionne sur des figurines

-coat of arms are always difficult to show in 15mm, my idea is to represent what it is but not copying strictly on scale ( it's too small for my eyes );

-les blasons sont toujours difficile à représenter en 15mm, mon idée est faire en sorte que ça y ressemble sans les copier à la lettre;

-I took one model : The Black Prince ( I had no black cat  in hand;-) )

-the colors used are just behind the figure, it implies many steps but I hope it works not too bad in the end and it's faster when you do it than you can imagine;

-les couleurs utilisées sont derrière la figurine, ça demande beaucoup d'étapes, mais j'espère que le résultat n'est pas trop mal et c'est plus rapide à faire que vous l'imaginer;

-now, less words and more actions!

-moins de paroles plus d'actes!

-to represent the lys and  the lions , I done it with small dots and lines, that's the impressionist part of the paintwork;
-pour représenter les lys et les lions, j'ai fait des  petits points et des traits, c'est la partie impressionniste du travail de peinture; 

-then the highlighting of the figure;

-puis on passe aux éclaircissements de la figurine;

-then the details ( horse, wood , scabbards, etc...) painted as usual with 2 layers;

-puis les détails ( le cheval, le bois, le fourreau, etc.....) peints comme d'habitude en 2 couches;

-then I added the banner bearers and his personnal advisor in 1356AD alias John Chandos (his coat of arms still yellow and red until 1400AD, after it 's white and red);

-puis j'ai ajouté les porte étendards et son conseiller personnel en 1356 après JC alias John Chandos ( son blason est june et rouge jusqu'en 1400 après c'est blanc et rouge);
-finally the finished model based and flocked with my homemade grass tufts I done yesterday;

enfin la figurine terminée, basée et floquée avec les touffes d'herbes maison que j'ai faites hier;
- a bit long  but I hope not too boring and I hope you like this post ;

- un peu long mais j'epère pas trop ennuyeux et j'espère que vous avez aimé ce message;

Be seeing you ;-)

thefrenchjester " in his impressionist period "

mercredi 18 juillet 2012


Beards! ( ok not real beards sorry Brian ;-) ) it's only grass tufts Brian !


un lien super intéressant pour faire soi même ses touffes d' herbe chez soi

bon il faut fabriquer son "Grassinator" (j'ai appelé le mien comme ça) , il y des pas à pas sur youtube pour le fabriquer, ou on peut en acheter un pas trop cher en suivant le lien donné dans les commentaires de son article, après quelques tentatives le résultat est plutôt convaincant, les photos de mon essai  au sec demain, en attendant voici une photo prise juste pour le fun, la colle blanche sèche encore;
above an interesting link to do yourself  your grass tufts at home, ok you must build you own Grassinator (I named mine like that, I find it's a cool name ) there's some step by step on youtube to build one, or your can buy one not too expensive, there is a link in the comments of his message, after some tries the result seems convincing, the pics of dried tufts will follow tomorrow, to wait here is a picture just for fun, the PVA glue still drying;

to be continued......

mardi 17 juillet 2012

Medieval commanders

Hi ,

a small and quick update this afternoon

I painted them with the same technique as John Hawkwood and his standard bearer

this time it's William Montague the Earl of Salisbury in 1356AD

and Jean Grailly the Captal de Buch, a Gascon noblemen in English service

to be continued........ 

lundi 9 juillet 2012

Medieval update


Here is John Hawkwood and he is ready for battle, I also painted a more generic later medieval commander base and a group of knights ( the paint was on the wet palette, so I painted some more knights yesterday evening and based them this morning ;-) )

I hope you like them;

dimanche 8 juillet 2012


the 11th labour: FLOCKING and the 12th labour ( short): PLAYING

the material choice Beards????? Rocks????????

sorry !
the step by step with few comments

some other exemples of basing

the biblical camp

the ancient camp ( some fish home converted;-) )

the holiday's inn

the trekking party

and it was made.

a gift of my friends Zipophil and Nico for one of my birthday anniversaries

the sacrifial camp of my friend Zipophil for his Aztec army ( He's the more innovative builder of stunning sceneries for camps, inspiring battle grounds and conversions of figures, meet him for a game and you will know why I say that.) 

and now the Final labour of thefrenchjester's Dodekhateon: PLAYING

just one picture of a game with a friend at the club ( the Impala to say who he is ;-) )
a Rome and Carthage classic encounter:

you can find a batrep on blog of Seb of London ;-) with some of my last painted figures ( ok I painted many more figures since this weekend;-) ) for a friendly game when he came back for a short visit

a cool blog with many subjects of choice;

that's all for the moment after this 12 labours, I will take few time for painting for changing;-)
hope you found it not too boring;

Be seeing you ! ;-)



here is the 10th labour: BASING

the material to have a neutral base for many countries and periods

the mixed result 
the desert choice

the mixed result for other syles of countries

don't forget that darker is the color of your mix and lesser the figures will be visible or more you will have to highlight the bases, do a try on a spare base before; 

"super glue" the figures on their base( ready made or self made it's up to you)

paint the base in a darker color than the finish you will put on it

put the mixed pumice on the bases ( the real color mix is less reddish than on the pics)

highlight the bases with a lighter color

just to see how it can change with a small work the base

the tip of the day: if you want to slow down the drying process of the mixed basing material :
Put the pot of mixed pumice in a plastic bag well closed and open it only when needed.

next post you will have the 11th labour, to be continued....................