jeudi 20 septembre 2012



je suis faible et je le sais!

j'ai vu les Jomsvikings de Hobby one sur son blog, bien sûr j'en achété aussi, Vendredi dernier je les ai sous couché pour les jouer en Octobre avec les copains du club;
depuis ils étaient sur la table de peinture et hier soir j'ai attaqué la peinture ;-)

peintures Foundry sur sous couche noire (" buy Kevin's books!"), application des couleurs comme dans le livre;

Hi ,

I'm weak and I know it!
I've seen the Jomsvikings of Hobby One on his blog, of course I bought them, last friday I undercoated the figures to play them with my club mates in October;

since then the figures were on the painting desk and yesterday evening I began them ;-)

Foundry paints on a black undercoat (" buy Kevin's books!"), strictly followed the technique as it is in the book;


pour la chair j'ai appliqué , I done the flesh as indicated below and yes you've read " a purple thinned wash";
Dusky flesh 6A
Flesh 5A
lavis citadel Leviathan Purple dilué à 50/50 avec de l'eau oui vous avez bien lu ;-)
Flesh 5B
Flesh 5C

les métaux, the metal parts


à suivre......
to be continued.....
Be seiing you ;-) 

6 commentaires:

marco a dit…

j'aime beaucoup
et mon porte-feuille me dit qu'il te deteste

Monty a dit…

Great results, Gilles. You paint fast and excellent. Diluted purple wash is something I've never thought of. If I buy those books, can I get as good of results as you?


thefrenchjester a dit…

Hi Monty,

yes of course,jut to follow the instructions, when already paint like you paint it will be easy to understand how the painting process works and copy it;
I only apply the techniques shown inside Kevin's books;
it requires only, as explained in it, patience and practice,the first figures I done with the Foundry paints and the books were the Egyptians in 28mm just after a small test on a jester figure;-)
since then it changed my way of painting the 28mm figures;

it's a faster technique than many of us could think;

order the books before there is no more to sell ;-) they worth their price;-)


Gilles " the forger painter;-)"

Unknown a dit…

ils sont magnifiques.

Par contre, chaud pour le tome 1 de Kevin. Au min £85 d'occas.


Monty a dit…

Good advice sir. I found a copy at Amazon and its on its way!

Now I think I need some 28mm figs!

PF a dit…

Cool. Now you need to peint some true warriors. Like samurai if you get what I mean de crayon.